流通科学研究 = Journal of Faculty of Business, Marketing and Distribution from books.google.com
... 流通学会年報//副標題紙標題: Distribution studies //副標題紙標 The Annual ... 科学大学論集人文・自然編/流通科学大学学術研究会 Vol . 1 , no . 1 ( 1989. 3 ) -神戸:流通科学大学学術研究会, 1989- ISSN : 0915-3047 A Journal of the University of ...
流通科学研究 = Journal of Faculty of Business, Marketing and Distribution from books.google.com
百年一遇的商業大變革,萬物皆可訂閱的時代已經來臨。 史丹佛最新熱門課程、全球最大訂閱管理平台執行長 教你掌握下個十年最重要商業趨勢—— ...
流通科学研究 = Journal of Faculty of Business, Marketing and Distribution from books.google.com
Business Research Methods will show your students how to undertake all parts of their research through this clear structured guide.
流通科学研究 = Journal of Faculty of Business, Marketing and Distribution from books.google.com
本书围绕“市场形势变化与企业变革”主题编写,内容包括建筑业改革与发展的新进展、国内外建筑市场形势展望、建筑行业与企业结构性变革、企业经营能力重塑、企业制度与管理 ...
流通科学研究 = Journal of Faculty of Business, Marketing and Distribution from books.google.com
論到清朝的中興功臣,當然要推曾國藩曾文正公為首,因他除開平洪偉績之外,還是一代的理學儒宗。當清兵入關的時候,有個名叫曾孟學其人,是由外籍遷入湖南湘鄉縣大界里中居 ...
流通科学研究 = Journal of Faculty of Business, Marketing and Distribution from books.google.com
胡文虎如何塑造自己"万金油大王"的形象?胡文虎如何将事业延伸至文化领域?什么因素造就了胡文虎的成功商业及历久不衰的虎标品牌?是纯粹运气使然,还是由于他的商业洞见? ...
流通科学研究 = Journal of Faculty of Business, Marketing and Distribution from books.google.com
This database contains primary sources pertaining to the Anti-Rightist Campaign, including government documents, directives, bulletins, speeches by Mao Zedong and other officials, major newspaper and magazine editorials, published "Rightist ...