Kanagawa Dental University Library


武田薬品工業. -- 239号 (昭22.7)-, 1947. <SB00000318>
No tag is registered

Collective HoldingsList 1-1 of about 1

No. Library Location Location2 Call No Volume Available Years/Months Accession status
0001 Kanagawa Dental 3階 31 和雑誌 M 275, 319, 328, 331, 333, 338, 340, 342, 362, 405, 491, 494, 503, 505, 507, 509-512, 514-515, 517-532, 534, 536-542, 544-554, 557-559, 561-576, 579, 584-585 1955-1982
No. 0001
Library Kanagawa Dental
Location 3階 31 和雑誌
Call No M
Volume 275, 319, 328, 331, 333, 338, 340, 342, 362, 405, 491, 494, 503, 505, 507, 509-512, 514-515, 517-532, 534, 536-542, 544-554, 557-559, 561-576, 579, 584-585
Available Years/Months 1955-1982
Accession status

Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area 実験治療 / 武田薬品工業
ジッケン チリョウ
Volumes and Years of Serial 239号 (昭22.7)-
publication,distribution,etc.,area 大阪
NCID AN00104932
text language code Japanese
frequency of publication code Monthly
ISSN 09107967
relation bibliography link 派生前誌 :日本臨牀 / 日本臨牀社 [編]||ニホン リンショウ <SB00000766>
relation bibliography link 吸収前誌:病院薬報 / 武田薬品工業 <SB10000888>
author link 武田薬品工業||タケダ ヤクヒン コウギョウ <AU00002875>