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In this eBook, The Science of Cancer, we examine what we know and what we’re finding out about this scourge of humankind.
Cancer science from books.google.com
Advances in Cancer Research, Volume 152, the latest release in this ongoing, well-regarded serial, provides invaluable information on the exciting and fast-moving field of cancer research.
Cancer science from books.google.com
2775 references to research projects being conducted in the United States and elsewhere. Entries arranged under 11 topics, e.g., Cancer therapy, Supportive care of cancer patients, and Rehabilitation.
Cancer science from books.google.com
" This is true despite the fact that large infusions of money and manpower now come to the aid of cancer research. In late 1974, Betty Ford and Margaretta (Happy) Rockefeller underwent surgery for breast cancer.
Cancer science from books.google.com
Using the Saenger case as a means to reconsider cold war medical trials, Contested Medicine examines the inherent tensions at the heart of clinical studies of the time.
Cancer science from books.google.com
This book, which presumes little prior knowledge of biology, describes the revolution in biomedical research that has finally uncovered the forces driving malignant growth.
Cancer science from books.google.com
Both comprehensive and accessible, this book is an ideal resource for researchers, clinical and public health practitioners, medical and public health students, and health policymakers.
Cancer science from books.google.com
Academic Press proudly presents this Cumulative Subject Index covering Volumes 50-72 of Advances in Cancer Research.