Mathematics and computers in simulation from books.google.com
Can be considered an interdisciplinary introduction to applied mathematics and to computer simulations.
Mathematics and computers in simulation from books.google.com
Daniel Maki and Maynard Thompson provide a conceptual framework for the process of building and using mathematical models, illustrating the uses of mathematical and computer models in a variety of situations.
Mathematics and computers in simulation from books.google.com
Computer simulations based on mathematical models have become ubiquitous across the engineering disciplines and throughout the physical sciences.
Mathematics and computers in simulation from books.google.com
Computer simulation or a computer model has the task of simulating the behaviour of an abstract model of a particular system.
Mathematics and computers in simulation from books.google.com
Using Mathematica, an integrated software environment for scientific programming, numerical analysis and visualization, this book describes computer simulations applicable to a wide range of phenomena.
Mathematics and computers in simulation from books.google.com
This volume contains review articles and original results obtained in various fields of modern science using mathematical simulation methods.
Mathematics and computers in simulation from books.google.com
This unique volume introduces and discusses the methods of validating computer simulations in scientific research.
Mathematics and computers in simulation from books.google.com
The new book series “The Science and Art of Simulation” (SAS) addresses computer simulations as a scientific activity and engineering artistry (in the sense of a technē). The first volume is devoted to three topics: 1.
Mathematics and computers in simulation from books.google.com
This book addresses key conceptual issues relating to the modern scientific and engineering use of computer simulations.
Mathematics and computers in simulation from books.google.com
This third edition takes into account the most recent version of Reduce (3.4.1) and updates the description of large-scale simulations to subjects such as the 170000 X 170000 Ising model.