Progress of theoretical physics from books.google.com
This work is the first explicit examination of the key role that mathematics has played in the development of theoretical physics and will undoubtedly challenge the more conventional accounts of its historical development.
Progress of theoretical physics from books.google.com
: Which topics should be included? What should be assumed about the readers’ prior knowledge? How should balance be achieved between numerical theory and physical application? This book is not elementary.
Progress of theoretical physics from books.google.com
This book is based on the author's lectures at the University of Washington in the spring of 1977 and at the Institut de Physique Nucleaire, University de Paris-Sud, Orsay, during the winter of 1977-1978.
Progress of theoretical physics from books.google.com
This book presents a perspective on the history of theoretical physics over the past two hundreds years.
Progress of theoretical physics from books.google.com
The Compendium of Theoretical Physics contains the canonical curriculum of theoretical physics.
Progress of theoretical physics from books.google.com
Several well-established geometric and topological methods are used in this work in an application to a beautiful physical phenomenon known as the geometric phase.
Progress of theoretical physics from books.google.com
This book focuses on a critical discussion of the status and prospects of current approaches in quantum mechanics and quantum field theory, in particular concerning gravity.