Tezukayama Gakuin University Library


ホワイト, ハンドラー, スミス [著] ; 鈴木旺 [ほか] 共訳 ; 1, 2. -- 廣川書店, 1967. <BB00274057>

HoldingsList 1-1 of about 1

No. Volumes Library Location Call No Material ID Status Due Date Reservation
0001 2 library 一般書架4類 491.4-セイ-2 629192 0items
No. 0001
Volumes 2
Library library
Location 一般書架4類
Call No 491.4-セイ-2
Material ID 629192
Due Date
Reservation 0items

Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area 生化学 / ホワイト, ハンドラー, スミス [著] ; 鈴木旺 [ほか] 共訳
publication,distribution,etc.,area 東京 : 廣川書店 , 1967.1-1967.10
physical description area 2冊 ; 27cm
Volume Information
volumes 1
Volume Information
volumes 2
variant titles 原タイトル:Principles of biochemistry
note 原著第3版(New York : McGraw-Hill, c1964)の翻訳
NCID BN0180096X
text language code Japanese
author link White, Abraham, 1908- <AU00068938>
author link Handler, Philip, 1917- <AU00068939>
author link Smith, Emil L., 1911- <AU00068940>
author link 鈴木, 旺(1926-)||スズキ, サカル <AU00068693>
classification NDC6:464
classification Science and technology NDLC:RA71
classification Science and technology NDLC:RA421
subject headings 生化学||セイカガク