J・D・サリンジャー from books.google.com
『ジェリーだ。きみのボスに話があってかけたんだけどね』...わたしがとった電話の相手は、J.D ...
J・D・サリンジャー from books.google.com
Although the author finds it impossible to assess Salinger's permanent worth as a novelist, he finds much to admire in several of the short stories and in "The Catcher in the Rye."
J・D・サリンジャー from books.google.com
A biography of writer J.D. Salinger that describes his era, his major works--especially The catcher in the rye, his life, and the legacy of his writing.
J・D・サリンジャー from books.google.com
Presents a collection of critical essays on Salinger and his works as well as a chronology of events in the author's life.
J・D・サリンジャー from books.google.com
The stories: A Perfect Day for Bananafish Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut Just Before the War with the Eskimos The Laughing Man Down at the Dinghy For Esmé--with Love and Squalor Pretty Mouth and Green My Eyes De Daumier-Smith's Blue Period ...
J・D・サリンジャー from books.google.com
J.D. Salinger's powerful fiction and enigmatic persona have captivated readers for more than 50 years.
J・D・サリンジャー from books.google.com
Evaluates Salinger's major fiction and its expression of a widespread American dissatisfaction, the historical context of Salinger's literary development, and the influence of Eastern religious and philosophical thought on his style and ...
J・D・サリンジャー from books.google.com
After an introduction on writing good essays, this book presents suggested topics and strategies for drafting a paper on J.D. Salinger and his works.