初代教会 from books.google.com
Does the pure gospel put you in a place of awe? Are you ready to rethink church as you know it? Sit with Pastor Francis Chan and be reminded that you are a part of something much bigger than yourself, something sacred.
初代教会 from books.google.com
The Beginnings of the Church is a brief and marvelously readable summary of the dramatic shifts that have taken place in the way scholars understand the first generations of the Christian church.
初代教会 from books.google.com
本书主要收录了十种基督教早期文献, 主要内容包括:初代教会书信, 初代教会启示录, 早期教会教规, 古代教会赞歌, 初代教会圣经等.
初代教会 from books.google.com
As an introduction to early church history, this book is not intended to cover any subject exhaustively.
初代教会 from books.google.com
Examines the beginning of the Christian movement during the first centureis AD, and the explosive force of its expansion throughout the Roman world.
初代教会 from books.google.com
... 初代教会就如此自动地接受了使徒们所写下的教训,成为正典的一部分,而那些著作也是使徒们想要保存下来成为圣经的著作。可是有一些新约著作不是直接出自使徒们之手。这些著作的存在显示了,在初代教会之时,基督也藉着圣灵的工作,赋予其他人有能力写下属于神 ...
初代教会 from books.google.com
... 初代教会那样,究其原因,就像路加福音18章8节中所说的一样,现代教会的信心与初代教会的时候相比,太过微弱。“我告诉你们,要快快地给他们伸冤了。然而,人子来的时候,遇得见世上有信德吗?”(路18:8)从初代教会开始,被圣灵充满的信徒们都有一个特征,那就是热衷 ...
初代教会 from books.google.com
This richly illustrated volume is a breakthrough work that enhances our understanding of early Christianity at the nexus of Bible, art, and ritual.
初代教会 from books.google.com
Though Joachim Jeremias' 'Infant Baptism in the First Four Centuries' was originally published in 1938, an English translation did not appear until 1960 (based on the revised German edition of 1958).
初代教会 from books.google.com
This volume covers one of the most critical - and one of the most interesting - periods in the history of the Church.