比較教育学研究 = Comparative education from books.google.com
「比較教育是什麼?」一個困擾著比較教育學界的問題。本書試圖從比較教育的發展過程,以認同的觀點討論此一問題。全書分別討論比較教育社群、定義、議題、目的、性質、方法 ...
比較教育学研究 = Comparative education from books.google.com
比較教育学研究 = Comparative education from books.google.com
有书目 (第389-410页) 和索引.
比較教育学研究 = Comparative education from books.google.com
【研究論文】 教育、社會、健康及性別平等與經濟發展關係之跨國研究/張芳全 洪堡特的普通教育與香港的大學通識教育/吳淑真 ...
比較教育学研究 = Comparative education from books.google.com
英國高等教育學費與助學政策之改革 A Study on Policy Reform of Higher Education Tuition Fees and Financial Support or Assistance Schemes for Students in the United Kingdom/楊瑩、黃家凱、馬扶風 ...
比較教育学研究 = Comparative education from books.google.com
This second edition of a well-received book, containing thoroughly updated and additional material, contributes new insights within the longstanding traditions of the field. A particular feature is the focus on different units of analysis.
比較教育学研究 = Comparative education from books.google.com
This book is designed as a text on how to go about setting up and effectively running international research projects.
比較教育学研究 = Comparative education from books.google.com
This book presents perspectives on the changes that have taken place within the field of comparative education, while noting various continuing traditions.