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★本書榮獲吳大猷第十屆科普著作翻譯類佳作獎★ 《週日泰晤士報》2017年度科學選書 暢銷科普作家 馬特.瑞德利盛讚:當代最好的宇宙學作家! 國立清華大學天文研究所特聘教授 ...
重力 from books.google.com
一百年前,也就是1915年的11月25日,愛因斯坦發表「重力場方程式」,並進而完成了「廣義相對論」。這是迄今為止影響人類文明進程至為重大的科學突破,讓我們得以有系統地瞭解 ...
重力 from books.google.com
◆《週日泰晤士報》2017年度科學選書 ◆ 暢銷科普作家 馬特.瑞德利盛讚:當代最好的宇宙學作家! 國立清華大學天文研究所專任教授? 江國興? 審訂導讀 ...
重力 from books.google.com
除了蘋果砸牛頓頭上, 關於重力,你可以知道更多! 打開牛津大學出版社最受歡迎通識讀本, 跟著權威學者穿梭宇宙, 用最簡明的方式了解玄妙的重力! ...
重力 from books.google.com
... 重力、地面反作用力、肌肉收縮力、肌肉肌腱的彈力(常被稱為「牽張-收縮循環」〔 stretch - shortening cycle ,簡稱為 SSC 〕種肌肉與肌腱被快速拉長時瞬間收縮的機制)。每一種都有其功能與意義。"是一這些力可以被分類成「外力」( external forces )與 ...
重力 from books.google.com
Timothy Clifton looks at the development of our understanding of gravity, from Newton's apple to gravitational waves and efforts such as string theory to combine gravity with quantum mechanics.
重力 from books.google.com
重力 from books.google.com
Respected American academic Professor Tai Chow tells us the story of these discoveries. He details the basic ideas of Einstein, including his law of gravitation.
重力 from books.google.com
This second edition has been brought completely up to date and expanded to include the discovery of gigantic gravitational lenses in space, the findings of the COBE satellite, the detection of MACHOS, the investigations of the very early ...