特別支援教育研究 = Japanese journal of study on special support education from books.google.com
Journal of Education Research No. 239 高等教育出版, 張民杰, 高博銓, 張奕華, 王等元, 葉彥宏, 李坤崇, 劉語霏, 黃淑珍, 吳清山, 單文經, 許正妹, 張奕財, 楊家源. 岩內亮一、本吉修二、明石要一(編)(2010)。教育学用語辞典(第四版改訂版)。東京都 ...
特別支援教育研究 = Japanese journal of study on special support education from books.google.com
特別支援教育導入における教員の意識研究-期待される心理職の役割一·岩瀧大樹山崎洋史* 2 * 3 ( Accepted November 21 , 2008 ) Research on the Awareness of Teachers regarding Special Educational Support - Expectations for Psychiatric - Daiju ...
特別支援教育研究 = Japanese journal of study on special support education from books.google.com
This volume is a response to the challenges facing advocates of social welfare in Hong Kong in the new millennium, including the changing subvention mode, the need for a greater emphasis on service quality and accountability, and the rising ...
特別支援教育研究 = Japanese journal of study on special support education from books.google.com
寻解导向治疗乃家庭治疗的崭新理论,它专注于求助者的寻解历程,认为解决问题之方法并非一定与问题的成因挂钩,分析问题的成因不一定能解决问题;坚信许多时解决问题的方法 ...