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A. J. エイヤー [著] ; 神野慧一郎訳. -- 白水社, 1981. -- (白水叢書 ; 58). <BB00012563>
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No. Volumes Library Location Call No Material ID Status Due Date Reservation
0001 Naruto University of Education Library 2nd floor:Japanese books 116.5||A98 00033455 0items
No. 0001
Library Naruto University of Education Library
Location 2nd floor:Japanese books
Call No 116.5||A98
Material ID 00033455
Due Date
Reservation 0items

Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area 知識の哲学 / A. J. エイヤー [著] ; 神野慧一郎訳
チシキ ノ テツガク
publication,distribution,etc.,area 東京 : 白水社 , 1981.8
physical description area 312p ; 19cm
parent bibliography link 白水叢書||ハクスイ ソウショ <BB00263239> 58//a
variant titles 原タイトル:The problem of knowledge
NCID BN00390909
text language code Japanese
author link Ayer, A. J. (Alfred Jules), 1910-1989 <AU00012028>
author link 神野, 慧一郎(1932-)||カミノ, ケイイチロウ <AU00003958>
classification Epistemology NDC8:115
classification Philosophy. Religion NDLC:H31
subject headings 認識論||ニンシキロン